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Writing FAQ Questions

Choose the right question word (e.g. Who, What, When etc.) and ask only one question at a time.

Use WWWWHW to Break Down Questions

Checking questions against WWWWHW (Who, What, When, Where, How, Why) makes it easier to break down broad questions into their component parts.

For example:

Q. Can I become a student apprentice?

… is too wide ranging a question for an FAQ.

By looking at the question from a WWWWHW perspective, it's easier to break it down into more specific questions, for example:

Q. How old do I have to be to become a student apprentice?
Q. Whose permission do I need to become a student apprentice?

Using WWWWHW can also help avoid questions that are too specific, and risk the user missing important related information. For example:

Q. Do I need a parent's permission to become a student apprentice?

Answering this question could mean that the reader misses the information that they need the permission of both parents/guardians and their school before starting a student apprenticeship.

This question would be better formed as:

Q. Whose permission do I need to become a student apprentice?

WWWWHW is Only a Guideline

Using WWWWHW can help us think about a question, and make it easier to break down, but we don't need to restrict question words to Who, What, When, Where, How or Why.

Don't write questions into tortuous knots trying to conform to WWWWHW when using another word would produce a better result.

For example…

Q. Do I need to be an Australian citizen to become a student apprentice?

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